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Anarchist Black Cross South-West founded
envoyé le 20/09/18 par ABC South-West Mots-clés  prisons  

Hello World.

This is ABC South-West speaking. We would like to introduce ourselves as the newly-founded Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) group for Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany and its surrounding areas. ABC’s goals are to show solidarity with prisoners and people suffering from repression, to connect those affected as well as solidary people and to offer support. This includes following and accompanying legal processes, so that cases of repression and violence are made public and nobody has to fight alone. In this context we will regularly post reports of ongoing court cases. We plan to create a list of prisoners in the region and – with your help – write letters to them, turning solidarity into action.

Part of our aim is also to go beyond mere descriptive work and to criticize and attack the roots of imprisonment and repression, namely state, borders, police brutality and the justice system.

The ABC seeks to offer information, discourse and networking for self-defense and self-empowerment. The website should act as an information platform where you can contribute texts and reports for publication, where a collection of helpful links and other material such as zines can be found, and where the framework for exchanging experiences is given. In time this will create an archive made up out of the collected contents, which can aid in observing and understanding developments in repressive structures as well as the corresponding possibilities to counteract them. In order to develop an overview of ongoing legal cases we are working on creating a chronicle of repression and solidarity. In order to do this we need your help ! Send us (encrypted) information on legal processes, police actions, prisoners, acts of solidarity and so on.

A further important issue is the documentation and criticism of the continuing militarization of police, state, and companies, as well as public surveillance and militant law-making, justified by the pretext of fighting terror and the creation of imaginary enemies.

It is not our goal to be an anti-repression-service-center, but rather to unite to fight repression with you. The ABC South-West considers itself a horizontal anti-authoritarian group. In the moment we are still under construction and so are not able to take on new members for the time being. We are working towards local and international networking and would welcome the broadcast of the ABC homepage, as well as any helpful tips and information from your part. Check out the website’s download area where you can find posters to print and distribute yourselves.

Spread the word !
Burn all prisons !

ABC South-West Website

envoyé le 20 septembre 2018  par ABC South-West  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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