Athens : Claim about arson against COSMOTE service car

The last months have been on fire here in the metropolis. Mainly because of all the solidarity actions done for the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis. He has suspended his hunger strike for the moment but is still waiting to get out of his cage. This dynamic that has been going on this spring, should be kept alive. What better way to spend a summer vacation than to burn some property of the technocrats, to attack the technological prison society. Yes people have gone to the islands, but there is probably things to attack there, too. So when people get back in September we don’t start from zero but from having the fire freshly burning in our hearts.

The prison industry never rests, hunting of human and animal lives, locking them in cages, police killings – repression and surveillance are one of the most important pillars of capitalism. The suspension of the hungerstrike follows the state and investors grip and recent occupation of Lofos Strefi. In the same time they prepare the destruction and siege of Platia Exarchion for the metro. This will be followed by the implementation of police in universities. They know that they will find us in the streets in front of them in the mass mobilizations. And they want to exhaust us, clearing the city with teargas. But the urban struggle finds a lot of targets at night.

For example COSMOTE, as a part of OTE, owned by 40% by Deutsche Telekom. Together they are a multinational surveillance agency, giving repression forces full access to their data, helping them in spying on people through their communication habits. OTE Group is a member of the association of companies that undertook a large technology project for eu-LISA and Frontex. These two organizations are responsible for the security and protection of the external borders of the EU. OTE together with Everis, Cancom and Sopra Steria are working with the information systems and applications of the two organizations. The total budget of the project are 442 million euros. The services will be provided by a team of specialized engineers of the OTE Group from the Group’s facilities in Athens, but also with a physical presence at the facilities of euLISA in Strasbourg and Frontex in Warsaw.

At the same time, the technological society, which OTE is in the forefront of, try to turn people into slaves, who look on dead screens all day and give their money to a false social life that is anything but social. In this interconnected world people have never been so socially disconnected as now. To attack COSMOTE is also in the frame of the social- and classwar.

COSMOTE is part of rolling out the 5G network. This network is the next level of surveillance society. It is what is needed to make cars selfdriving. A selfdriving car is filled with cameras and are online 24/7. Already Tesla cars are a fullgrown security system with everwatching eyes spying on our lives. Imagine a city filled with these cars. Technology is never neutral. From the knife that cuts through flesh to todays and tomorrows techno nightmare, everything is a weapon. And the rich is using all this to keep them safe. They think.

In the early hours of August 7th, we set fire to a service vehicle of COSMOTE at Platia Varoutidi in Analipsi. Greets to the comrades who burned a car from the same company a few weeks ago in Exarchia.

We dedicate this minimal sign of solidarity to G. Michailidis and the prisoners who supported his hungerstrike.

This is also an action for anarchist Ivan, who is in the prison of Villepinte in France since June 11, accused of burning many cars in the area of Paris.

Strength to every not obeying prisoner


(source : )

publié le 10 août 2022

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