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[ZINE - BURE] Nuclear or lignite : Fragments of the struggle against this world’s juice, from the Bois Lejuc to the Hambach Forest.. [nov. 2018]
envoyé le 16/04/22 Mots-clés  écologie  

This is the translation into english of the zine “Nuclear or lignite : Fragments of the struggle against this world’s juice, from the Bois Lejuc to the Hambach Forest..“, originally published in french in november 2018. Good reading !

PS : if problem of translation, you can write to traductions-bureburebure(a]riseup(dot]net !


The nuclear waste burial centre at Bure, in the Meuse, gives all of us multiple possibilities for fighting on the one hand against this nuclear garbage bin, but more globally against nuclear power and all the companies and humans that collaborate with it. Andra’s project is but an aspect of this world that cannot stop using always more energy to ensure this society runs as smoothly as possible. Like so many others, this devastating energy, once used, needs a dump site. And it is of course with the support of Meusian local politicians and institutions, in exchange for payoffs for the region, that this ecocidal project could take place here. Numerous companies are taking part, be it construction giant Vinci or Enedis (ex-EDF) and its energy avatars. Engineers from Ingérop and its subsidiaries are also allowing for the realization of this waste site buried kilometers deep. Most of these companies are present everywhere, which allows for an extension of the conflict (cf the blog, which gives multiple infos of the different promoters and collaborators in this project). This isn’t only going on at Bure, but everywhere.

From the struggles against the VHV (Very High Voltage) lines in the Cotentin or in the Alps to those against the CASTOR nuclear waste transports from Valognes to Gorleben, construction of EPRs (new generation of nuclear reactors) and the dissemination of new power stations over the whole territory, all have the common denominator of struggling against nuclear energy. But other struggles against this energy-hungry world emerge here and there : at Couflens in Ariege, the project of reopening the tungsten mine meets with hostility in words and deeds (cf Annex III), while in the Hambach forest, in Germany, those opposing the coal mine occupy the zone, do blockades and sabotage of the RWE working sites (cf Annex II). As with other companies which participated in the eviction of the forest, RWE is targeted across all of Germany, everywhere it is implanted. In New-Caledonia, the company Le Nickel (SLN) was projecting to extend the nickel mine but is colliding with determined and fierce resistance from part of the local population. A number of Kanaks – especially the youngest – who unlike the heads of the community, don’t ask for any compensation for the cut trees and the expropriated land, don’t negotiate the destruction of the environment and fight without and mediation against the mining company and its collaborators : to the dozen of incendiary sabotages that seriously perturbed the mine’s functioning in less than a year was added a blockade of the entrance door by opponents to the mine, thus preventing the workers from continuing this ecocidal and deadly project : hundreds of people held the barricades at the entrance and relay each other night and day to paralyze its activity. SLN finally announced the mine’s closing mid-september 20181.

At a time when the State and its repressive forces multiply house searches and arrests of opponents at Bure, dragging them in front of tribunals, obsessively control the zone while distributing shovelfuls of “territory bans” and “house arrests”, it is more than urgent to generalize the struggle against CIGEO, to extend it everywhere in France and beyond.

At a time when one part of the opponents holds up the destruction of Andra’s wall in august 2016 in the bois Lejuc as the principal symbol of the fight (boasting its mass-action caracter and thus pushing to the side the multiple night attacks against Enedis), we do not forget that others are being prosecuted for other equally beautiful and effective destructive actions, notably the ransacking of the Andra lab or of its hotel-restaurant.

At a time when the stuggle’s website has been closed down by its administrators for fear of repression, we remain convinced that the best way of staying united and in solidarity with each other is to continue to inform about the legal follow-up against comrades and companions, to fight and to attack CIGEO, ENEDIS and its collaborators, to put obstacles in the way of the energetic machine that fuels this world.

The main goal of this zine is to remember offensive acts against the installations and (infra)structures of this nuclearized and energy-hungry society, in order to give them another breath and for them to spread.

One text (page 16) from July 2016, also reminds us how important it is for us to bury all theory of composition, all perspectives of struggle on the side of anti-nuclear legalists. Let them struggle at our side, without sticking their nose into our conflict. We see their presence in the struggle as a fundamental problem, because media representation, mediation and respect of the laws are things which cannot be conciliated with our means of struggle against nuclear energy and the society which needs it.

If we are fighting against nuclear energy, it is all at once because it is devastating the planet and poisoning life, because it is a perfect tool of population control in the hands of the State, while being the ideal resource of a world that constantly produces more energy to satisfy more needs (whether domination calls them sustainable (wind turbines2) or not doesn’t matter). Our desire for freedom is incompatible with their democratic contestation. This is why we place our struggle against nuclear power and every other energetic resource in our struggle for total liberation.

Quelques Bure à Mater (2018)



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